Sunday, March 27, 2011

Visit from Grandma Ronda!!

    Evelyn was up a lot last night, Nick and I were just wiped out this morning.  My mom came down to help me out so I could rest a little bit, I didn't nap but it was nice to just relax.  Evelyn just loves her Grandma Ronda, she had so much fun playing on her tummy time mat with her!! They chatted like old friends, and Evelyn showed her Grandma Ronda her best friend, Mr. Moose!  She was real smiley for her G-ma, but she was also pretty fussy too.  We changed a lot of diapers because Ms. Evelyn sure did mess her diapers a lot... and they sure didn't smell like roses!! :D  Evelyn and Grandma cuddled and played while I got a chance to shower (which has now become a luxury for me).  Evelyn sure can't wait to see her Grandma Ronda again, she's thinking we should come up and stay a night next weekend, I told her we'd see.  :)   Well, here are a couple pictures of Evelyn and Grandma having their girl talk and playing on the tummy time mat. Enjoy!

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