Friday, March 25, 2011

Smiley Girl

    I really wanted to put some pictures up but I can't find the camera at the moment, but once I do find it I will post the pictures on here. :)
    I am now back to work, this past week was my first time back and Nick is now on "maternity leave" for the next 6 weeks (about).  It's so nice that the first 3 months of her life she'll have her parents looking after her.  Evelyn will be 2 months old on Tuesday!!!  My girl is getting so big!!  Nick doesn't think she has much of a personality yet but I do, she's more of a serious baby, but when she smiles.... ugh! It just melts your heart!  Nick and I haven't had too much luck getting those smiles on camera because once you hold the camera up to her to try and snap the picture she looks at it like "what the heck is that thing in my face?!" and the smile disappears in a mili-second.  BUT I was successful today, I got two really good smiley pictures!! I have them on my facebook but I don't know how to save them to my computer so I can put them on here.
    While I was on my maternity leave, I spent a lot more time with John and Pam (Nick's parents) because Nick was gone so much of the day that I craved some adult company.  And Evelyn and I love them of course, so spending time with them is such a treat!!  Plus, Pam makes a mean meatloaf! YUM!! :D  Nick and I went over there on Monday to do some laundry and have dinner with his parents and Nick's Aunts Pat and Carol, and Uncles Greg and Tom.  We got some pretty cute pictures of Evelyn with her Great Aunts so I'm pretty excited to get the photos on here.... if I ever find that darn elusive camera!  (Nick had it last) Ha ha.
    We haven't been very good at getting Evelyn her much needed tummy time, every time we put her on her tummy she cries and cries and I feel so bad that I put her on her back. :(  She isn't holding her head up as much as I think she's supposed to when she's flat on her tummy. But when she's on her tummy on our tummy she raises it pretty good. I don't know.  We need to work on that some more.  She's really getting more and more interested in her tummy time mat toys though, everyday we lay her on her back so she can use her arms and she really likes to bat at the toys and try and get them in her mouth. It's way too cute for words!!  We hung her Mr. Moose from one of the bars and she bats at his legs and tries to get his foot in her mouth, when he's off the bar she likes to suck on his snout or his antlers.
   Well, I will find that camera if it's the last thing I do and get some pictures on here, until then, we love you!!!!
    Found it!! It was in the couch!! These are pictures of Evelyn and her Great Aunts Carol and Pat!!

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