Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday with the Schinkel's

    Nick had to work the day and evening shift at work so I took Evelyn up to see my folks, because that's a long time to be just the two of us (we get lonely).  We arrived at Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel's house around noon and stayed until around 6pm.  We had such a fun time visiting except Evelyn was a little fussy... lol.  Everyone had a turn trying to calm her down, Uncle Carl did the best job, she found the crook of his arm most comfortable (sadly for him because she's so warm he was sweating haha).  He was trying to get her to copy him, he eventually got her to copy him when he kept sticking his tongue out at her, which is the last picture, and my favorite!!! My dad and brother are looking forward to her getting a little bigger so she's more "interesting" and "fun" because she'll be able to interact with them a little better instead of just using them as beds. :D
    But anways, here are some pictures:

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