Sunday, March 27, 2011

Visit from Grandma Ronda!!

    Evelyn was up a lot last night, Nick and I were just wiped out this morning.  My mom came down to help me out so I could rest a little bit, I didn't nap but it was nice to just relax.  Evelyn just loves her Grandma Ronda, she had so much fun playing on her tummy time mat with her!! They chatted like old friends, and Evelyn showed her Grandma Ronda her best friend, Mr. Moose!  She was real smiley for her G-ma, but she was also pretty fussy too.  We changed a lot of diapers because Ms. Evelyn sure did mess her diapers a lot... and they sure didn't smell like roses!! :D  Evelyn and Grandma cuddled and played while I got a chance to shower (which has now become a luxury for me).  Evelyn sure can't wait to see her Grandma Ronda again, she's thinking we should come up and stay a night next weekend, I told her we'd see.  :)   Well, here are a couple pictures of Evelyn and Grandma having their girl talk and playing on the tummy time mat. Enjoy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Smiley Girl

    I really wanted to put some pictures up but I can't find the camera at the moment, but once I do find it I will post the pictures on here. :)
    I am now back to work, this past week was my first time back and Nick is now on "maternity leave" for the next 6 weeks (about).  It's so nice that the first 3 months of her life she'll have her parents looking after her.  Evelyn will be 2 months old on Tuesday!!!  My girl is getting so big!!  Nick doesn't think she has much of a personality yet but I do, she's more of a serious baby, but when she smiles.... ugh! It just melts your heart!  Nick and I haven't had too much luck getting those smiles on camera because once you hold the camera up to her to try and snap the picture she looks at it like "what the heck is that thing in my face?!" and the smile disappears in a mili-second.  BUT I was successful today, I got two really good smiley pictures!! I have them on my facebook but I don't know how to save them to my computer so I can put them on here.
    While I was on my maternity leave, I spent a lot more time with John and Pam (Nick's parents) because Nick was gone so much of the day that I craved some adult company.  And Evelyn and I love them of course, so spending time with them is such a treat!!  Plus, Pam makes a mean meatloaf! YUM!! :D  Nick and I went over there on Monday to do some laundry and have dinner with his parents and Nick's Aunts Pat and Carol, and Uncles Greg and Tom.  We got some pretty cute pictures of Evelyn with her Great Aunts so I'm pretty excited to get the photos on here.... if I ever find that darn elusive camera!  (Nick had it last) Ha ha.
    We haven't been very good at getting Evelyn her much needed tummy time, every time we put her on her tummy she cries and cries and I feel so bad that I put her on her back. :(  She isn't holding her head up as much as I think she's supposed to when she's flat on her tummy. But when she's on her tummy on our tummy she raises it pretty good. I don't know.  We need to work on that some more.  She's really getting more and more interested in her tummy time mat toys though, everyday we lay her on her back so she can use her arms and she really likes to bat at the toys and try and get them in her mouth. It's way too cute for words!!  We hung her Mr. Moose from one of the bars and she bats at his legs and tries to get his foot in her mouth, when he's off the bar she likes to suck on his snout or his antlers.
   Well, I will find that camera if it's the last thing I do and get some pictures on here, until then, we love you!!!!
    Found it!! It was in the couch!! These are pictures of Evelyn and her Great Aunts Carol and Pat!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recurring Theme

    As of late, little Miss Evelyn has been sleeping lots and lots with one long period of awake time for the most part.  She typically goes to bed about 10pm lately and then wakes up at 7/8am, catnaps throughout the morning and sleeps from noon to 4/5pm.  Haha, we got ourselves a sleeper!!  But I suppose she is a growing girl and they need their beauty sleep.  She eats, so that's the most important part, there are longer stretches in between those meals, but she's eating more.
    She's now 6 weeks old as of yesterday, so she's becoming more and more focused on the things she is doing.  When she's on her tummy time mat we'll lie her on her back and watch her play with the things hanging down, she'll bat at them and she'll even try and get one of the teether things into her mouth with her hand!! She's so smart, she loves to look around so much!! When she's on my chest she'll hold herself up and look around, she really likes to focus on the window blinds, Nick's Mom's wreath, lights and FACES!!!  She loves to look at people, so if you're holding her, just know she's going to stare at you for awhile to memorize your face, don't get disappointed though when she starts looking at something else (wondering eye) :) She's learning about her surroundings and knowing what they are, when I start walking towards the bedroom she knows it's diaper changing time and she usually calms down... I love diaper changing time for that reason, and because she loves it and is more smiley. :)
    She's also developed "baby acne", poor girl, you usually have to wait til puberty for that fun development. :( Sorry honey, you're still gorgeous, adorable, cute and amazing anyways.  Also another fun development is her "craddle cap" or as I used to call it when I was little "craddle crap" yup, I just found out that after all these years I've been saying it wrong.... guess Craddle Cap makes more sense... haha!  What with all that thick beautiful hair she can't have everything perfect.  But both are normal for newborns and they eventually go away, so no harm.
    Well, here's the favorite part, the pictures, enjoy:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sleepy Little Girl

    We had a wonderful night over at the Sulack's last night and the little peanut slept in everyones arms, we had a few fussy moments, but nothing volcanic.  Evelyn has slept a lot during the day the past two days, I was worried she wouldn't sleep well at night because of that, but she has.  She gets a little fussy in the morning but daddy just has her sleep in his arms or on his chest.  I told him not to do it too often because I don't want her to get used to it and depend on sleeping with him to sleep well.  I don't know if that's an accurate assumption of what would probably happen but it's just my intuition.  Oh well, if she does it's on him to get her to sleep. Lol.
    This afternoon I let her sleep a little bit in front of the window, just to get her a little Vitamin D, but my book ("What To Expect: The First Year") says not to have babies in direct sunlight for too long unless they have protective sunblock on and a sun hat.  But a little direct sunlight won't hurt her, but I went ahead and pulled her into the shade, don't want my baby girl getting a sunburn.  She's looking so cute napping her day away I decided to take a picture, so here the little darling is...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday with the Schinkel's

    Nick had to work the day and evening shift at work so I took Evelyn up to see my folks, because that's a long time to be just the two of us (we get lonely).  We arrived at Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel's house around noon and stayed until around 6pm.  We had such a fun time visiting except Evelyn was a little fussy... lol.  Everyone had a turn trying to calm her down, Uncle Carl did the best job, she found the crook of his arm most comfortable (sadly for him because she's so warm he was sweating haha).  He was trying to get her to copy him, he eventually got her to copy him when he kept sticking his tongue out at her, which is the last picture, and my favorite!!! My dad and brother are looking forward to her getting a little bigger so she's more "interesting" and "fun" because she'll be able to interact with them a little better instead of just using them as beds. :D
    But anways, here are some pictures:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Evening with Grandpa & Grandma Sulack

    Evelyn and I just got back from her Grandpa and Grandma Sulack's house, she sure does love those two very very much!!  She even got to see her Auntie Carla and her two favorite cousins Hunter and Celia!!  Evelyn loves going to Grandpa and Grandmas house because they give her lots of lovies and hold her to her hearts content... they even change her stinky diapers too!! :D  Her Auntie Carla doesn't like giving up her turn to hold her but she does so reluctantly :)  there is so much love for her in this family and she'll have so many lovely wonderful memories!!  Evelyn doesn't even know how good she has it, we're excited to bring her to the cabin and have so much fun for years to come.  She sure did luck out when God decided she belonged with us, (more like we lucked out when God gave us such a precious precious gift).
    Note from Evelyn to Grandpa John and Grandma Pam:
          Dear Grandpa and Grandma,
              I sure had a good time tonight at your house, you can hold me whenever you want! I can't wait to come over and play with you again, I'll try not to stinky so much (but I'm a baby so it's kind of to be expected, sorry).  I can't wait for when I'm older and I can go fishing with you, but until then I will be content to lay in your arms and love you silently.  Well, I gotta go, mom's getting me ready for bed. I love you!!
               Evelyn "Evie" Lorraine Sulack

Monday, March 7, 2011

She's a talker

    We have a tummy time mat for Evelyn, she's not too sure about it still, but today we had a nice "talk" while she was batting at the things hanging down.  Now when I say "talk" I don't really mean we talk, she coos at me and I coo back and so on and so forth.  It's super cute.  At first the things hanging down scared her and she'd bawl her eyes out, then they got kind of interesting after she accidently kept hitting them.  Now she's starting to realize she can hit them on purpose, but her interest doesn't last too long before she starts crying for me to pick her up.  I try and let her stay there a little bit longer because she always gets a secondary peak of interest.  But right now she's wanting to do something else so I'll hurry and put some pictures up for ya. :)

Cute no matter the disposition

    Evelyn will be 5 weeks old tomorrow!!  These past 5 weeks have gone by so fast, I barely feel like we've had our little lady for a week!!  :)  We love her so very very much and we are having so much fun watching her personality grow.  She loves to be held but lately she's been letting us know when she wants her alone time.  She loves it when I lay her on the couch and play with her legs, I show her how to bicycle, run, swim, squat AND kick box!! HAHA.  She loves it, it calms her down when she's gassy, because she sure does become a fussy queen when she has to... um, poop. :D
   Couple days ago I thought she was looking kind of "jaundicy" even though she already had the light therapy for that, so right now I'm sitting her in front of our window to let her get a little Vitamin D.  We also have to put some Vitamin D in her milk since breastmilk doesn't have it in there naturally, where as formula has it already in there.  But as I like to say "breast is best" breastmilk is way better for babies, it helps combat allergies and childhood (and adult) obesity.  I come from a plumper family gene pool so every little bit helps. Lol.
    Here are a couple pictures, variety of facial expressions, haha, still super cute though:
    She's even cute when she cries

Sunday, March 6, 2011


    Yesterday my parents came down to visit and Nick cooked my dads birthday dinner (meatloaf, twice baked potatoes, asparagus and bday cake!! YUM!).  It was a good day, Evelyn was adored by all, which young as she is, I think already loves the attention.  She had a few fussy moments but other wise was a pretty happy girl. She even got smiley for Grandma Ronda!!
    While Evelyn napped we played a couple games of 13 and had some yummy yummy B-Day cake.  Here are some pictures for ya:

Thursday, March 3, 2011


   I know I know I just posted but afterwards I was playing with Evelyn and she started smiling for the first time (I mean we got little smirks and sleep smiles before but these were REAL smiles lol).  I wanted to share the picture with everyone, so happy my little girl is smiley smiley now and all I had to do was continuously make ridiculous noises. Haha.  Yep, nothing funnier than mommy making a goof of herself. :)
    Oh, and check out all that hair!!!  After giving her a bath it really fluffs up and you take notice. Lol
So here you are, enjoy:

Rub A Dub Dub

   So, our daughter is a little high maintenance already,  she loves getting a bath (doesn't like so much the hair washing bit or the getting out) and getting her diaper changed.  Which is nice because it makes doing those things so much easier, except when she gets all kicky kicky while getting her diaper changed, makes the process twice as long. Lol. She is for the most part a content little girl, :).
    Most of the little hairs on her forehead and ears are gone now, but it seems the hair on her head is getting longer and maybe even a little bit thicker! :D Good for her, she obviously didn't get my genes because I have super thin fine hair and she's probably going to have thick thick hair, nothing as ridiculous as Nick's hopefully but a happy medium of us two.
    We gave the little princess a bath today, her hair was getting a little cradle cappy and oily, so here are some pictures of that.