Thursday, February 10, 2011

Little Poop Shoot

I know all newborns do is eat, sleep and poop... but I think she's taking it to a whole other level. :D This girl is quite the pooper, almost EVERY SINGLE time we change her diaper not even a second goes by and "fooooooooopsh" another poop!  This girl has it on her agenda to use up all of our diapers within a couple week time!! :D
She really is a joy to have though, we love watching her sleep, eat and (yes even poop).  She holds her head up very well, she looks around and even twists her little body while you're holding her.  We've been putting her on her tummy time mat even though we know she's still a bit young to really enjoy it or understand it but she seems to like it.  We just set her on her back and let her lay there and look around.  Today she's discovered the little toys hanging down from the bar, at first they were kind of bothering her and making her cry when she touched them but for the past 10 minutes she'll whack at it a little like it isn't a big deal.  So we're exercising our arms and legs right now and exploring with our eyes. :)
Evelyn sure does hiccup a lot, I don't know if that's normal but she seems to not mind.  She also makes kind of a squeaky noise when she breathes in sometimes, but it doesn't seem to bother anyone else I guess cuz it's not all the time, mostly when she gets a little upset.
It sure is nice though, that when she IS upset that it's usually pretty easy to calm her down, if it's not the diaper change or the food that does it, usually mama's voice soothes or daddy's little walks around the apartment with her.  She also loves tummy to tummy time with daddy while he's sitting in his gamer chair.  She already has daddy wrapped around her cute little pink finger!
We are so blessed and appreciate this amazing gift that God has given us, we couldn't ask for a better baby, we love our daughter (still a weird concept) SO very very very much!!! We so look forward to the many milestones and memories to come with our little Evelyn.

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