Sunday, February 27, 2011


   So yesterday Nick got a tattoo!! :)  How exciting, it turned out extremely well, he loves it!! (I'd hope so cuz he's kind of stuck with it, lol)  So Nick's treat was getting a tattoo and mine was a oreo/brownie concrete mixer from Culver's... I think I made out better. :)  So now Nick will have to get a tattoo for every child we have, because we wouldn't want to hurt any feelings.  He got the tattoo on his chest and I told him he should have gotten it on his buttocks because then when Evelyn is older and she's being a brat we could say "see Evelyn, you're a pain in the butt" lol.  But we figured that was too mean so it was a no go. :D  Maybe the next kid...... ;)
   Today we went up to my parents house and my dad immediately confiscated Evelyn from our possession, he sure does love his granddaughter!!! I feel kind of bad because she was fussy the whole time, my mom and I went to visit Grandma Betty so the guys were left to deal with that.  Hopefully all of her fussiness leads to a good nights sleep tonight. (hopeful, very very hopeful)  It's fun going up to see my parents because they all kind of fight over who gets to hold her, and my dad usually wins because Evelyn loves sleeping on his belly.  I don't blame her, he looks comfy. :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Visitors! :)

    Evelyn had some visitors today!!!  Grandma Ronda and Great Aunt Kara came to see her (me too I'm sure) today, and she enjoyed snoozing on them SOOO much! :)  She was a little fussy but they were able to calm her down most of the time.  It was nice having them to our apartment, Evelyn loved the attention.  And I love showing her off to people, it was Kara's first time meeting the little lady and I think she's on TEAM EVELYN.  Lol.  It's easy to love her, she's a ham.  I don't know if it's her cute little chubby cheekies, her small button nose, her big beautiful eyes, her sporadic smile or her toots, but everything about her is lovable and absolutely adorable.  She's my smiley (just starting) little girl.
   While they were here I showed my mom and Kara how to play the Kinect for XBOX and even made them try it. HAHA.  I had them play the volleyball fruit smash, which is my favorite game for the Kinect.  Someday I imagine Evelyn playing those types of games, it's probably going to be a chore to get her to play outside (hopefully she's not a gamer nerd like daddy, haha).
    Also, I just want to thank Kara for Evelyn's hat, the CD and dresses, they're all adorable and going to be put to good use.  So I'm going to put the pictures of her wearing the hat up for ya'll to see.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Growing Girl

    We weighed Evelyn yesterday and she now weighs 8 1/2 lbs. which is a pound more than what she was born at. :) Good job baby keep on growing!! AND she keeps getting cuter and cuter!!!!! Here are some pictures of our day today and her cuteness, and the last picture is of her falling asleep tonight.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Little Sleeping Beauty

   We were at Nick's parents house last night celebrating his father John's Birthday and we had a Ms. Fussypants on our hands, she was up all day yesterday being fussy for mama... but you know what the good result to that was a nice night of sleep!! :D Nick was VERY appreciative, I appreciated it too, but it didn't change the fact that I had to wake up at the same times for the most part, so no extra sleep for me.  I sure could use that extra sleep because I'm starting to feel a little worn out and a little under the weather, hopefully I'll be able to get a good nights rest tonight.
    Ms. Fussypants is napping right now and snoring... just like her daddy! :D She looks so so cute!! She likes snoozing in her bouncy chair, and every now and again she gives me a little sleepy smile, and she'll peek through one eye, take a peep at me and go back to bed.  Or she'll suddenly jump in her sleep and throw her hands into the air (when she does that I say "touchdown!" hehe) it's even cuter when she kicks her legs and pumps her fists, lol, she just fidgeted and it looked like she was raising her hand to answer a question.  I think that fidget would appeal to the Sulack Grandparents! :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday up in Big Lake

    So Evelyn has found her new favorite thing to sleep on.... Grandpa Mark!! Or Grandma Ronda... or Uncle Carl. LOL. She sure does LOVE sleeping on someone's tummy, as long as it's comfy.  She is such a little peanut and she is so loved by all those Schinkel's!! So much so that Grandma Ronda even changed a poopy diaper for the first time in about 23 years!! Haha.  We had such a good time with my family, it's always nice to see them, Evelyn will have so many happy memories of Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel.
    She was pretty good the whole time, she had a few fussy moments but all we had to do was stick a soothie in her mouth or give her to Grandpa Mark to sleep on.  She impressed them all with her "lady like" gas... I just thought she was showing her Schinkel side. ;)  She's getting bigger every time we go up there, she's still in newborn clothing and diapers but I don't think for too long!! Which I don't mind because I think she'll be sturdier with a little meat on her... newborns have always been an issue for me but now that I have my own it's not such a big deal but the older she gets the less I worry. :D Here are some pictures, I know ya'll like them.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ms. FussyPants

    Evelyn is 15 days old!!!  These past 15 days sure have gone by fast, it doesn't feel like my baby is 2 weeks old.  She sure was a good tempered baby the first week and a half but the last couple days she sure has been FUSSY, and she sure likes to be fussy when daddy has already left for one of his long shifts so I have to try and make her happy by myself.  Ugh.  Lol.  Today she just didn't want to be put down, momma had to cuddle her up on her chest alllllllllll day long and if I put her down it was like WW3.  :)  It was nice though, lots of cuddle time with my baby but I still had stuff to do that required me to put her down.
    Evelyn is so beautiful, and I just love her so much, she's so cute!!  She's started being a lot more smiley (not just in her sleep anymore) and she's also cooed at me a couple times, I like to talk to her or sing to her while changing her diapers, she doesn't cry during them almost at all now!! :D  Her soothie also helps when she's being extra cranky fussy crabby antsie in her pantsies, just plop it in her mouth and she'll go to town on it.  All I have to say is pacifiers are both a godsend and a curse, because yes they soothe the baby but if they plop out of the mouth they FREAK out, and my baby likes to spit it out every ten seconds. Lol.  So lot's of in and outs.  Well, here's some pictures of my lovely little love, hope you enjoy:


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday with the Schinkel's

We went up and visited my Grandma Betty at the retirement home and my Aunt Linda before she had to go off to work. My parents were there and UNCLE Carl was there, we had a nice visit, I think Evelyn had everyone already in love. :D Bill and Darlene stopped by to visit there towards the end too.  We took some photos (sorry this is going to be a short abrupt entry Ev's being a fussy pants) and then went for dinner at my folks with Marlette and Duane. I dont have all the pictures yet but here's what i have

Friday, February 11, 2011

Eye Gunk

We went to the doctors today because Evelyn's been having an excessive amount of gunk in her right eye, the doctor said it could either be a clogged tear duct or an infection, if it's an infection we need to monitor it and if it persists we'll need to go in for some antibiotics.  So we're really hoping its a clogged tear duct, I take warm wash clothes and wipe her eyes down and I tried giving a little suction to her nose because he said that might be the case.  I don't feel comfortable shoving things in her nose and I'm not sure I did it right so I'm going to have Nick give it a try when he gets home.  While at the doctors office we weighed her again and she is now officially 8 lbs!! My little chubber!! The doctor was very pleased with her weight gain and he said we have a healthy eater on our hands. :D Like father like daughter! LOL.
Evelyn has been SO good today, she even let mommy have a nice nap!! Well, I'm up now but she's still napping, I'm going to have to wake her soon to eat her food!!  We've got her eating about 2-3 ounces a sitting, which takes place every 2-3 hours.... so let's just say she's definitely not going hungry!!  She's also been a lot more smiley while she sleeps and I've even gotten some BIG smiles out of her while she's awake, she likes to smile at her mama when she's having tummy time on my chest/stomach.  Nick and her relax a lot together too, she loves lying on her daddy's chest.  He's so wrapped around her finger, he's a goner. :)
Well, we'll be going up to see my Grandma Betty and fam. tomorrow, my brother Carl is finally going to meet his niece!! :D  Can't wait to see ya'll. <3 XOXO

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Little Poop Shoot

I know all newborns do is eat, sleep and poop... but I think she's taking it to a whole other level. :D This girl is quite the pooper, almost EVERY SINGLE time we change her diaper not even a second goes by and "fooooooooopsh" another poop!  This girl has it on her agenda to use up all of our diapers within a couple week time!! :D
She really is a joy to have though, we love watching her sleep, eat and (yes even poop).  She holds her head up very well, she looks around and even twists her little body while you're holding her.  We've been putting her on her tummy time mat even though we know she's still a bit young to really enjoy it or understand it but she seems to like it.  We just set her on her back and let her lay there and look around.  Today she's discovered the little toys hanging down from the bar, at first they were kind of bothering her and making her cry when she touched them but for the past 10 minutes she'll whack at it a little like it isn't a big deal.  So we're exercising our arms and legs right now and exploring with our eyes. :)
Evelyn sure does hiccup a lot, I don't know if that's normal but she seems to not mind.  She also makes kind of a squeaky noise when she breathes in sometimes, but it doesn't seem to bother anyone else I guess cuz it's not all the time, mostly when she gets a little upset.
It sure is nice though, that when she IS upset that it's usually pretty easy to calm her down, if it's not the diaper change or the food that does it, usually mama's voice soothes or daddy's little walks around the apartment with her.  She also loves tummy to tummy time with daddy while he's sitting in his gamer chair.  She already has daddy wrapped around her cute little pink finger!
We are so blessed and appreciate this amazing gift that God has given us, we couldn't ask for a better baby, we love our daughter (still a weird concept) SO very very very much!!! We so look forward to the many milestones and memories to come with our little Evelyn.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


    We had an in-home nurse stop by today and while doing her thing she said Evelyn looked a little Jaundice.  Evelyn's skin on her face and chest are a little yellow, as well as little girls eyes.  So we did some tests and they said she needed to "light therapy" for 24 hours for maybe 1-3 days, and that she has to always be on the light except for feedings, changings, and comforting if need be (but we have to try and keep it brief).  This is soooo upsetting to us, we just want to hold her and love her so much.
    She's being a trooper though, we just hope she doesn't have to go more than 24 hours, the nurse will come by tomorrow around 10am-11am so hopefully it'll start looking up sooner than later.  She also has a doctors appointment on Monday at 8:55am so hopefully that goes well also.  It really sucks seeing my little baby girl lying on that little blue table thing, just gotta do what you gotta do to get things done.  If it's going to help her we just have to deal with the fact that she's probably not having a very good time. Poor girl.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Coming Home

Yesterday we came home with Evelyn, it was an amazing experience having her with us, in our care for good.  She slept really well last night, had a huge poopy diaper, so I got to change that one. :)  I probably slept the worst out of the 3 of us, I couldn't help getting up and going to check on her every... uh... half hour, or so. Lol.  Feedings were a little difficult so I ended up having to pump some, hopefully tonight goes better and I can try and relax and catch some zzzz's.
I know I don't need to get so overly nervous when it comes to leaving her be, but I worry so much that she's going to stop breathing or somethings going to cover her face.  I guess that's being a mom though, worrying about your children.  I really need some sleep tonight because although I functioned fine on the adrenaline I know her and Nick need me at my optimum in the mornings. :)
Here are some pictures of us about to leave the hospital yesterday and her tummy/back time today: