Friday, December 16, 2011

Evelyn's a mover and a shaker!

    Evelyn has really been developing that personality, and that personality is CURIOUS!  She likes to get into everything and put things in their incorrect places.  She likes to take her toys and put them all on the table and then take them all off, she likes to put all her toys in a box and then take them all off, she likes to pull herself up on everything too!!  She's climbed all the way up the stairs a couple times, and down zero. Lol.  She's just getting so big and we're about to celebrate her first Christmas (which we're probably way more excited about then she is) and then shortly after Christmas is little Miss Evelyn's first Birthday!!!  I'm excited to watch her eat that cake!! :)  Here are some pictures since I've been pretty neglectful this past month.  Sorry! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting so BIG

Tonight after Evelyn's 7pm bath time I put her in a 12 month old pajama jumper, asdlkjfalsdkjflajdf! Oh my goodness my little baby is growing up so fast!  I remember when I was looking at a 6 month old onsie and thinking, "gosh that's so big, she still doesn't fit in that" and now she's in 9-12 month stuff, and even fitting in some 18 month pants!  I mean there's room to grow in those but the 9 month stuff is starting to be too small length wise, width wise there's still some room to grow.
Evelyn is now sitting up on her own from a stomach position, crawling (not quite hands and knees) very very quickly now and good distances too, she's pulling up into a standing position (not too often but then again we don't have much to pull up on)!  Pretty soon she'll be toddling around. *sigh*  At least we have a baby gate up in front of the stairs to the basement basement.  Well, here are some more pictures of Evelyn, two from yesterday and one from today. :)  The one from today is her in her jamies and the ones from yesterday of her in her sweater and her playing on the linoleum floor.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get messy then get clean!!

Evelyn has decided that conventional baby food is beneath her, she wants to eat what you're eating.  She's turned into a complex eater... which is fine, but now she's very very messy!! LOL.  Food EVERYWHERE, I'm going to have to mop the floors 3 times a day now!  Jeeesh!  Today we had some green beans, rotini in a garlic tomato spaghetti sauce and yogurt for dinner.  Most of it was all down her front, or in her hair, or in her shirt, or in her... well you get the picture.  Now that she's wanting a new repertoire of food I'm at a loss... I don't cook, Nick cooks, Nick works, now I have to cook... needless to say, I'm struggling to master the art of cooking.  Sure I can whip up a mean mac n' cheese or frozen pizza but I'm sure Evelyn needs more diversity and nutrition than that.  I am going to have to enlist the help of friends to broaden my horizon as to what Evelyn can eat, her doctors appt was today and she said she can pretty much eat whatever we eat (with a few exceptions) but that doesn't help.  *Sigh* Time to learn, throw my hat into the ring, burn some food, make something slightly edible and before I know it I'll be an old pro.
    Evelyn's Doc Appt:
            Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz = 8th Percentile :(
            Length: 28 in          = 65th Percentile :)
            Head: 18 in             = 90th Percentile :D

She said Evelyn's weight isn't cause for concern, she just probably has a fast metabolism, not surprised, at least she doesn't have my metabolism (TG).  She is progressing well, her head has rounded out... even though it's a big ol' head, lol, big head big smarts. :)

Anywho's here are some pictures from the past two days, and Ev's bath tonight. Enjoy!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Evelyn has begun to want to feed herself.... lets just say this is a messy business.  She especially likes to dump it down her front, throw it at Mommy or onto the floor.
Evelyn is going to be a Monkey for Halloween, we got some pictures, and I'll try and add more later.
On a development note, Evelyn is able to sit up on her own, and stand holding onto someone.  My baby girl is getting sooooo big!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Evelyn is so much fun, and when she laughs it just melts my heart.  Lately she's been laughing so much more!!  Her laugh seems a little deep in the video but I think in person it's a little bit more high pitched.  Maybe next time I'll get her REALLY going! LOL

Monday, September 26, 2011

Evelyn Evelyn

    Evelyn is starting to get up on her hands and feet now, like she's doing push ups, and doing lots and lots of army crawling!!  She is just getting bigger and bigger!!!  She's starting to get up on her knees now too, but when she kinda crawls she goes backwards!! LOL.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food food food, I love food!

    As of late, we've been introducing much more "interesting" foods into Evelyn's expanding food repertoire.  We've now got the graduate puffs, cheerios, bread, shredded cheese, cottage cheese and a little bit of potatoes.  Although her absolute favorite thing to eat is Oatmeal, which I pour half a jar of baby food into as well. :)  Haha, gotta sneak in some extra calories for my little squirt.
    She spends a lot of time in her highchair now, as it's so nice to just plop her in it and get my kitchen duties done... as much as I can, the little Miss demands my constant attention and entertainment. ;)  Such a girl. :)  Anywho, here is one of the more recent pictures of Evelyn (excuse the poor quality, I need a new phone.... hint hint Nick).

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Momma found the camera... so here you go!

Evelyn's first tooth is poking out now, not fully up, but still SHARP!!!  Oh my goodness when she bites my fingers it actually hurts now! Lol.  Yay....  Can't wait for it to be fully up, it's going to be so cute!
Evelyn is now eating normal baby food 3-4 times a day.  We try to do oatmeal in the morning, and I like to mix some kind of fruit in with that cuz she hasn't been liking fruit that much, but she's starting to like it a lot more now.  She absolutely loves her veggies, her favorites are Sweet Potatoes and Green Beans.  We've got some new stuff on the menu lately, we bought some baby yogurt, mixed veggies and mixed fruits.  I've fed her some shredded cheese and we're going to buy her normal potatoes and cottage cheese to try, that'll be a mess. :)
Lately Evelyn and I have been reading a lot, she really really likes Green Eggs and Ham.  I also sing to her a lot, but I've been doing that since she was born, I'm trying to expose her to words and its kind of difficult because alone I'm normally a very quite person, so I sing.... whether it be singing good, that's up for interpretation. ;)  So Evelyn's 6 month appointment was on the first of the month, she was 14 lbs.  And she'll be 30 weeks on the 30th and 7 months old on September 1st.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hello Kitty!!!

Evelyn has received a lot of Hello Kitty stuff from her Auntie Karin, Hello Kitty playmat, vans shoes, bib, rattle and her favorite the "lovie".  She always gets really excited when she sees them, she loves her Hello Kitty.  I think Karin wanted to have her little baby niece be like her, in her love of Hello Kitty.  So I'm sure someday she'll have a Hello Kitty backpack and much much more!!!  We were at the cabin this weekend and Evelyn just LOVES being on the pontoon!!!  Not a big fan of actually being in the water, but hopefully someday!!  After we were up at the cabin we stopped in for dinner at Princeton with my folks, Evelyn sure is lucky to have 2 sets of AWESOME Grandparents, she loves them so much!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Little Lady

It's been awhile since I've written, I can't seem to find the charger for our digital camera so I haven't been able to take any pictures.  I'm hoping to find it soon cuz then you'll all get to see how big she's getting!  The top picture is from up at Crosslake for the 4th of July weekend, Evelyn was playing with the Hello Kitty rattle her Auntie Karin got her. (Which she absolutely loves by the way!!!) and the second picture is of Evelyn and her Great Aunt Pat, that was a beautiful day.  
Lately Evelyn has been getting more and more active, she can roll front to back, back to front, left, right circles, you name it that girl is rolling there! :)  She's also more of a babbler, ba ba, da da, ga ga, ma ma ;ect. :D  Makes me so happy to hear her, she's most talkative after eating some of her favorite foods, which are sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, apples, and pears.  She's also starting to sit up unsupported, her Auntie Carla got her to sit independently for 2 minutes today and when John and Pam came home she sat for a long time for them as well. :)  Mama's girl getting so big!!! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Up North & More Eaten!!!

    We had a wonderful time up north on the 4th of July weekend!!!  Evelyn went in the water for the first time, had a great time pontooning and seeing family!!  It was very relaxing!!  I'm excited for many many more years of cabin time with Evelyn!!!  On the way home we stopped at my parents and had some home made pizza on the grill, yum yum YUM!!
   We started Evelyn on some carrots today, up until now she'd only been eating formula, squash and rice cereal.  We tried Prunes, but she wouldn't eat it, she was a little wary of the carrots but when she was really hungry I got it in there and she seemed to like it. ;)  So excited to keep trying new things!!  She makes the cutest faces.
    Here's some pics of up north and her eating carrots!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Practice makes perfect!

    Lately we've been practicing sitting with Evelyn, she's gotten so much better!!  She can sit all on her own on the floor for seconds at a time, and minutes if you help her by holding her hands.  My baby is getting so big!! I bet she'll be sitting unassisted within the next couple months! I'm so proud! When she's sitting I say "momma's big girl!" and she looks at me and smiles!! I think she's proud of herself too!!
    We've been eating our rice cereal so much better now!!  Just a little messy, but tastes the same no matter what!
    Well, here are some pictures.