Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food food food, I love food!

    As of late, we've been introducing much more "interesting" foods into Evelyn's expanding food repertoire.  We've now got the graduate puffs, cheerios, bread, shredded cheese, cottage cheese and a little bit of potatoes.  Although her absolute favorite thing to eat is Oatmeal, which I pour half a jar of baby food into as well. :)  Haha, gotta sneak in some extra calories for my little squirt.
    She spends a lot of time in her highchair now, as it's so nice to just plop her in it and get my kitchen duties done... as much as I can, the little Miss demands my constant attention and entertainment. ;)  Such a girl. :)  Anywho, here is one of the more recent pictures of Evelyn (excuse the poor quality, I need a new phone.... hint hint Nick).

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