Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting so BIG

Tonight after Evelyn's 7pm bath time I put her in a 12 month old pajama jumper, asdlkjfalsdkjflajdf! Oh my goodness my little baby is growing up so fast!  I remember when I was looking at a 6 month old onsie and thinking, "gosh that's so big, she still doesn't fit in that" and now she's in 9-12 month stuff, and even fitting in some 18 month pants!  I mean there's room to grow in those but the 9 month stuff is starting to be too small length wise, width wise there's still some room to grow.
Evelyn is now sitting up on her own from a stomach position, crawling (not quite hands and knees) very very quickly now and good distances too, she's pulling up into a standing position (not too often but then again we don't have much to pull up on)!  Pretty soon she'll be toddling around. *sigh*  At least we have a baby gate up in front of the stairs to the basement basement.  Well, here are some more pictures of Evelyn, two from yesterday and one from today. :)  The one from today is her in her jamies and the ones from yesterday of her in her sweater and her playing on the linoleum floor.

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