Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get messy then get clean!!

Evelyn has decided that conventional baby food is beneath her, she wants to eat what you're eating.  She's turned into a complex eater... which is fine, but now she's very very messy!! LOL.  Food EVERYWHERE, I'm going to have to mop the floors 3 times a day now!  Jeeesh!  Today we had some green beans, rotini in a garlic tomato spaghetti sauce and yogurt for dinner.  Most of it was all down her front, or in her hair, or in her shirt, or in her... well you get the picture.  Now that she's wanting a new repertoire of food I'm at a loss... I don't cook, Nick cooks, Nick works, now I have to cook... needless to say, I'm struggling to master the art of cooking.  Sure I can whip up a mean mac n' cheese or frozen pizza but I'm sure Evelyn needs more diversity and nutrition than that.  I am going to have to enlist the help of friends to broaden my horizon as to what Evelyn can eat, her doctors appt was today and she said she can pretty much eat whatever we eat (with a few exceptions) but that doesn't help.  *Sigh* Time to learn, throw my hat into the ring, burn some food, make something slightly edible and before I know it I'll be an old pro.
    Evelyn's Doc Appt:
            Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz = 8th Percentile :(
            Length: 28 in          = 65th Percentile :)
            Head: 18 in             = 90th Percentile :D

She said Evelyn's weight isn't cause for concern, she just probably has a fast metabolism, not surprised, at least she doesn't have my metabolism (TG).  She is progressing well, her head has rounded out... even though it's a big ol' head, lol, big head big smarts. :)

Anywho's here are some pictures from the past two days, and Ev's bath tonight. Enjoy!

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