Sunday, July 10, 2011

Up North & More Eaten!!!

    We had a wonderful time up north on the 4th of July weekend!!!  Evelyn went in the water for the first time, had a great time pontooning and seeing family!!  It was very relaxing!!  I'm excited for many many more years of cabin time with Evelyn!!!  On the way home we stopped at my parents and had some home made pizza on the grill, yum yum YUM!!
   We started Evelyn on some carrots today, up until now she'd only been eating formula, squash and rice cereal.  We tried Prunes, but she wouldn't eat it, she was a little wary of the carrots but when she was really hungry I got it in there and she seemed to like it. ;)  So excited to keep trying new things!!  She makes the cutest faces.
    Here's some pics of up north and her eating carrots!

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