Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Little Lady

It's been awhile since I've written, I can't seem to find the charger for our digital camera so I haven't been able to take any pictures.  I'm hoping to find it soon cuz then you'll all get to see how big she's getting!  The top picture is from up at Crosslake for the 4th of July weekend, Evelyn was playing with the Hello Kitty rattle her Auntie Karin got her. (Which she absolutely loves by the way!!!) and the second picture is of Evelyn and her Great Aunt Pat, that was a beautiful day.  
Lately Evelyn has been getting more and more active, she can roll front to back, back to front, left, right circles, you name it that girl is rolling there! :)  She's also more of a babbler, ba ba, da da, ga ga, ma ma ;ect. :D  Makes me so happy to hear her, she's most talkative after eating some of her favorite foods, which are sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, apples, and pears.  She's also starting to sit up unsupported, her Auntie Carla got her to sit independently for 2 minutes today and when John and Pam came home she sat for a long time for them as well. :)  Mama's girl getting so big!!! 

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