Thursday, January 27, 2011

D-Day +1

    Well, nothing much to update other than she's just not here yet, :(.  I had my doctors appointment today and her heartbeat is strong, still about 2 cm dilated.  She measured my tummy which is 41.  We talked about how if she doesn't come this weekend we'll probably look to induce on Wed.... so she won't be a January baby then, but February. Which isn't so bad because the birthstone Amethyst is way prettier than Garnet. Lol. (Gotta look at the bright side!!) and if she is born on Wednesday her Birthday will be February. 2, 2011. 2-2-11, kind of cool. *meh*
    I just really hope she's born soon so that my family can be there to enjoy her arrival too.  We're getting way way excited and antsy in the pantsy, so it's hard to do the waiting game.  Well, send labor prayers my way everyone, I sure could use em'.

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