Wednesday, January 26, 2011

40 Weeks

    So yesterday/today was my due date.... and still nada!!! :(  I think this little girl is going to be a procrastinator!!! (just like daddy... hehe) Or is she going to be my fashionably late princess??  Either way, I am physically and emotionally ready to have her here (as is Nick) and although I am not looking forward to the pain of labor, I am more than willing to endure it if the end goal is that my little Evelyn is in my arms snug and warm SOON!
    It really sucked today when everyone was messaging me, texting me, calling me and so on asking if she's here yet... the worst part was saying "no not yet" *sigh*.  I want more than anything to say "YEP, I'm pushing as we speak!!!"  So everyone, just help me to be patient (because that is not one of my many ;) virtues)  and take it as it comes.
    Sleeping has pretty much become non-existent to me already,  it's extremely difficult getting comfortable when you essentially have a bowling ball protruding from your midsection.  Just to get up for my hourly bathroom call is getting ridiculous, having to literally pick your stomach up and try and haul it around!!  Not to mention Nick snores ("breathes heavy" so he says) so loud I have to shake him and wake him up just to try and fall back asleep before he does. :D  He does make a good poll though when I need to get up, so, thanks hunny!! :)
   We have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning at 9:50am and if she isn't here by then I'm going to ask my doctor if she could please have me induced before the beginning of next week so that my family will be able to attend the arrival of our little (probably not so little) bundle of joy!!  I really hope that can be accomplished because next week is going to be an extremely long week for my family.  I'd also like to ask everyone to pray for my brother as he begins his chemotherapy treatments this next week, they are 5 hours long each day.  I hope they go smoothly for you Bubba and we/you have every success in your treatment.  I love you very much and can't wait for Evelyn to meet her Uncle Carl!!!  I know you're going to be a great Uncle even though you're a little awkward with children, but she'll break ya in for your following nieces and nephews and someday your own children. :)
   And this is what a 40 week pregnant woman looks like if you didn't already know that:

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