Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's Been Awhile.. Sorry. :D

Wow, it's been like 3 months since I updated our little Evelyn blog here, :/.  Well, as an update, Evelyn has definitely been displaying some terrible 2 traits.  Also, Nick's Dad always hoped that Evelyn would be like Nick when he was a kid, he called it payback... we're now being paid back... which I don't understand because I feel like I was a pretty good kid and don't deserve this "payback"... oh well, I can hopefully say the same thing to Evelyn some day.  Hehe.

So some of the pictures are from Evelyn carving the pumpkin, and some are of the first substantial snowfall and all in between, so enjoy!!

 Messy cheesin' face

 Getting the ishies out

Helping Grandpa John

 Reading with Daddy

 First snowball ever!!

Playing in the first snowfall with Daddy

 and Mommy!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Not A Baby Anymore!

Evelyn sure has grown into a toddler the last few months... and has gained some attitude. :)  We are currently on a schedule of: wake up, eat breakfast, watch Shrek, eat lunch, nap, wake up, watch Shrek whilst eating a snack, eat dinner, watch Shrek, bath, teeth brushed, bed.  Needless to say, I'm getting a little bored with all 4 Shreks, I have tried other movies but this seems to be an EXTREME favorite.  I guess it's payback, my dad said he watched the Little Mermaid a bagillion gazillion times when I was little.
On another note, I would like to say Evelyn is still enjoying her books.  We even read them while we watch Shrek *sigh*, but mostly we look at her big picture books of stuff like "my big world book", "my big animal book" or something of the like before bedtime. Evelyn is getting so so good at being able to point to the picture I say, also making some animal noises, she knows cat, dog, lion/tiger, monkey and a couple others pretty well.
Last weekend we went to a bonfire hosted by Nick's best friend Nick and his wife and Evelyn had such a good time!  At first she was a little nervous around the dogs (2 Jack Russell's, an Alaskan Husky and a Yorkie) but warmed up in increments. First it was running and burying her face into Mommy's leg, then it was curiosity, then it was holding a hand out to them, then it was petting them, then it was taking a couple steps to keep them in sight, and finally... chasing them around.  Haha!
Well, now to the part you've all been waiting for, I've got quite a few:

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Last week my girlfriend Cassie Jo came down with her two beautiful children Victoria (3) and Vincent (20/21 Months), we had such a great time, the kids just took up like old pals.  Evelyn would bring Vin food and drink and comb through his hair with her fingers and Vin would escort Evelyn around with his hand on the small of her back... and then later started tackling her to the ground and hugging her. Lol.  They sat on the couch together cuddled in blankies watching Tangled, it was BEYOND adorable!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hello All!!  It's been a little while since I've posted anything, Evelyn has really been a handful lately!! :)  She is now starting to learn how to use the potty, we've had a handful of successes!!  Also, her vocabulary is starting to grow!!  Her best words are "Mama" "Daddy" "Baby" "Nigh Nigh" "Juice" and some other ones that I know what she's saying but they're not exactly clear.  So here ya are, some pictures:

Friday, May 4, 2012

Evelyn and I went to the MN Landscape Arboretum with Crystal and Leah, it was great!!  Such beautiful flowers and Evelyn loved looking around!!  Running too once I let her out! :)  Evelyn has just been enjoying being out amongst nature, maybe she'll develop a little green thumb. :)  I'm glad we all had such a great time!  Amongst other news Evelyn now has 6 teeth on the top and 6 teeth on the bottom.  She can say somethings, but you'd really have to listen to her a lot to understand what she is saying.  She said "baby" for the first time today when Crystal was letting her look at Leah.  Or I'll say "what sound does a doggy make" and Evelyn will sometimes reply with a "oof"  Lol, can't quite make those "R" or "L" sounds very well.  She knows "shoes" which she pronounces "shesh" she knows "ma ma" "da da" "sooks (socks)" "baw (ball)" "ba ba (sippy cup)" "hi" (sometimes) and "buh bye" :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Yesterday we had a good time at the Zoo, Evelyn was fascinated by the seals, penguins, lions, tigers, bears OH MY!!  :D  We all had so much fun!!  And also since the last time we've posted Evelyn has become quite the walker!!  Really good at it, an old pro!  Here are some pictures:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

So many teeth!

Evelyn seems to be sprouting teeth like she's been munching on miracle grow!!!  She has 6 or so on top now and 3 on the bottom!  I think she's getting even more too!!  She's been so super fussy lately though too, poor girl.  But with the fussy comes the cuddly little girl, she loves to cuddle up with momma and pillows, and her blankie.
She's almost walking too, she just has to have her hand on something to do it.  I'm just waiting for her to gain some more courage and just take off, I think her not walking or standing completely by herself is psychological.  She's certainly quite able.
Valentine's Day and the day before we were all very very very sick here, all of us were just as miserable as can be.  Evelyn threw up for the first time all over Daddy. :)  Haha, sorry, I know it's wrong of me to laugh, I'm just happy it didn't happen to me.  I'm sure it will someday. :(  I just hated when Evelyn was sick because she wasn't her bright bubbly self.
I can't wait for spring, Evelyn and I are going to spend most of our free time outside on walks.  It really sucks being cooped up all winter long in the house, we do go to the Mall of America at least 1-2 times a week to walk, which greatly helps with the claustrophobia. :D