Sunday, February 19, 2012

So many teeth!

Evelyn seems to be sprouting teeth like she's been munching on miracle grow!!!  She has 6 or so on top now and 3 on the bottom!  I think she's getting even more too!!  She's been so super fussy lately though too, poor girl.  But with the fussy comes the cuddly little girl, she loves to cuddle up with momma and pillows, and her blankie.
She's almost walking too, she just has to have her hand on something to do it.  I'm just waiting for her to gain some more courage and just take off, I think her not walking or standing completely by herself is psychological.  She's certainly quite able.
Valentine's Day and the day before we were all very very very sick here, all of us were just as miserable as can be.  Evelyn threw up for the first time all over Daddy. :)  Haha, sorry, I know it's wrong of me to laugh, I'm just happy it didn't happen to me.  I'm sure it will someday. :(  I just hated when Evelyn was sick because she wasn't her bright bubbly self.
I can't wait for spring, Evelyn and I are going to spend most of our free time outside on walks.  It really sucks being cooped up all winter long in the house, we do go to the Mall of America at least 1-2 times a week to walk, which greatly helps with the claustrophobia. :D

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