Friday, September 14, 2012

Not A Baby Anymore!

Evelyn sure has grown into a toddler the last few months... and has gained some attitude. :)  We are currently on a schedule of: wake up, eat breakfast, watch Shrek, eat lunch, nap, wake up, watch Shrek whilst eating a snack, eat dinner, watch Shrek, bath, teeth brushed, bed.  Needless to say, I'm getting a little bored with all 4 Shreks, I have tried other movies but this seems to be an EXTREME favorite.  I guess it's payback, my dad said he watched the Little Mermaid a bagillion gazillion times when I was little.
On another note, I would like to say Evelyn is still enjoying her books.  We even read them while we watch Shrek *sigh*, but mostly we look at her big picture books of stuff like "my big world book", "my big animal book" or something of the like before bedtime. Evelyn is getting so so good at being able to point to the picture I say, also making some animal noises, she knows cat, dog, lion/tiger, monkey and a couple others pretty well.
Last weekend we went to a bonfire hosted by Nick's best friend Nick and his wife and Evelyn had such a good time!  At first she was a little nervous around the dogs (2 Jack Russell's, an Alaskan Husky and a Yorkie) but warmed up in increments. First it was running and burying her face into Mommy's leg, then it was curiosity, then it was holding a hand out to them, then it was petting them, then it was taking a couple steps to keep them in sight, and finally... chasing them around.  Haha!
Well, now to the part you've all been waiting for, I've got quite a few:

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