Friday, June 3, 2011

Catching up!!

    Evelyn is now enjoying the taste of her feet!!!! :D  And enjoying having blowout diapers at least once a day..... yay for me. :(  I've also been trying to get her to sit in her bebe pod thing but she doesn't seem to be able to hold up her own head well enough for that, even though she does when we hold her.  We had her 4 month old wellness appointment yesterday, the doctor said we're doing a fabulous job and whatever we're doing to keep doing it!!  Although she might need to wear a helmet because the back of her head is a little flat. :(  She now weights 12 lbs 7 oz. and is about 23 inches!!  (born 7 lbs 9 oz. and 20 in.)
    We've been having lots of fun lately, lots of smiles and laughs from her!!

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