Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monkey Monkey Monkey

    This past week Evelyn has decided to get more interested in the less stationary toys she has.  One of which is a monkey rattle, she definitely likes to chew on it... (and really anything she can get in her mouth).  She's becoming a bit more playful and is able to grasp things and try and pull them to her mouth.  Her friend Mr. Moose's feet always seem to find their way. :)  She's also been enjoying kicking her little legs during changing time and pumping her little fists too.  She's also trying to make her "kissie" face, but her tongue just seems to stick out. HAHA.
    Today we spent a lot of our morning "tidying up" and the afternoon sorting through things for the Sulack's garage sale this coming May.  Nick got me to part with lots of stuff, I tend to be a little bit of a pack rat (I get it from my dad's side of the family I think). I kid I kid.  I just have little nicknacks that I attach a sentimental value too.  But I was good, I parted ways with things that I knew I wouldn't be using anytime soon that just took up space, what's the point of owning something if you're not going to use it?  So, I'm starting to like de-cluttering. :)  I almost want to ditch 30% of our stuff.
    We spent our evening with Nick's family, we had an amazing dinner thanks to Evelyn's Grandma Pam, nothing better than chicken breast, red potatoes, green beans, cooked carrots and a nice desert of ice cream!! YUMMMMMY!! Evelyn will get a tiny taste when she "eats" her milk, because breastmilk has more flavor than formula due to what you eat, that's why babies who are breast fed tend to be less picky that formula fed babies and are more willing to try new things..... boy I sure hope that's true cause I was a very picky eater up until recently!!  She enjoyed her visit with Grandpa and Grandma very much (she always does)  and she was even kind enough to give Grandma Pam some good burps after HER dinner. :)  We played a couple games of "13" and Evelyn was pretty good, well, Nick had to attend to her a little bit, rocking her in her carseat. :)  Such a GOOD DADDY!!!
   Well, here's what ya'll mostly come here for! :D

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