Sunday, April 3, 2011

2 Months and a couple days

    We had Evelyn's 2 month check up on Saturday, the doctor was very pleased with her focus, concentration and eye contact.  She was however a little worried about her weight, which is almost 10 lbs and should be about 11-12 lbs.  She's kind of a fussy eater lately, which is so disheartening, we have to go in again in a month for a weight check and then her next wellness visit is at 4 months.  I'm really hoping our little lady starts gaining some weight, we might have to supplement some formula or add some to the breast milk.
    Nick worked 9am to 11pm on Friday and then Saturday he had to work the 11pm - 9am shift, so Evelyn and I spent the night at Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel's.  Grandpa Mark was sick so he wasn't too much fun for Evelyn to play with and Grandma Ronda was healthy and fun.  She had fun playing on her play mat and Grandma Ronda bounced her in her bouncy chair too!!  Uncle Carl held her in the morning and they had talky time, and he even looked through her color book with her too.  I forgot my camera so my mom took pics on her camera, but I do have some pictures from a couple days ago!! :) So enjoy.  I'll try and be a little better about my posts.

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