Lately, every time I see Evelyn she gives me big smiles!! She recognizes her momma! We play and we laugh and we cuddle, and it's the best time ever!!! When she's being held face to face when you're standing with her she'll arch her back because she wants to see what's going on. She's so interested in everything around her, she had a great Easter at the Sulack's, everyone got to meet her and hold her and love on her!! She was in heaven! She looked so cute in her dark blue Easter dress with large print white flowers, she was wearing a white knit cardigan and a big pink flower headband and white socks, I forgot the camera so I didn't get any pictures. Nicks family got some pictures I think so if I get some I'll put them up. But for now here are some pictures of me and Evelyn. :)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Morning
Happy Easter everybody!!! Evelyn is taking a snooze and being super cute!! Anytime I walk into her line of sight she's smiling, she sure does love her momma this morning!! (It just melts my heart!!). Nick's playing some of his silly games and feeding her and bouncing her in her bouncy chair at the same time. Lol, I hope she's a good multi-tasker like her daddy! Well, we're going to give her a bath soon, and then put her in her Easter dress, we'll take pictures and I'll do another blog soon! :) So until then you'll just have to satisfy your Evelyn lovies with this bunch: :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Just testing
The first video is of Evelyn today while we were getting her ready, just a tiny snipit cuz I put video instead of camera, and the second one is immediately after she was born when they were checking her over before (or after) her cleaning.
Monkey Monkey Monkey
This past week Evelyn has decided to get more interested in the less stationary toys she has. One of which is a monkey rattle, she definitely likes to chew on it... (and really anything she can get in her mouth). She's becoming a bit more playful and is able to grasp things and try and pull them to her mouth. Her friend Mr. Moose's feet always seem to find their way. :) She's also been enjoying kicking her little legs during changing time and pumping her little fists too. She's also trying to make her "kissie" face, but her tongue just seems to stick out. HAHA.
Today we spent a lot of our morning "tidying up" and the afternoon sorting through things for the Sulack's garage sale this coming May. Nick got me to part with lots of stuff, I tend to be a little bit of a pack rat (I get it from my dad's side of the family I think). I kid I kid. I just have little nicknacks that I attach a sentimental value too. But I was good, I parted ways with things that I knew I wouldn't be using anytime soon that just took up space, what's the point of owning something if you're not going to use it? So, I'm starting to like de-cluttering. :) I almost want to ditch 30% of our stuff.
We spent our evening with Nick's family, we had an amazing dinner thanks to Evelyn's Grandma Pam, nothing better than chicken breast, red potatoes, green beans, cooked carrots and a nice desert of ice cream!! YUMMMMMY!! Evelyn will get a tiny taste when she "eats" her milk, because breastmilk has more flavor than formula due to what you eat, that's why babies who are breast fed tend to be less picky that formula fed babies and are more willing to try new things..... boy I sure hope that's true cause I was a very picky eater up until recently!! She enjoyed her visit with Grandpa and Grandma very much (she always does) and she was even kind enough to give Grandma Pam some good burps after HER dinner. :) We played a couple games of "13" and Evelyn was pretty good, well, Nick had to attend to her a little bit, rocking her in her carseat. :) Such a GOOD DADDY!!!
Well, here's what ya'll mostly come here for! :D
Today we spent a lot of our morning "tidying up" and the afternoon sorting through things for the Sulack's garage sale this coming May. Nick got me to part with lots of stuff, I tend to be a little bit of a pack rat (I get it from my dad's side of the family I think). I kid I kid. I just have little nicknacks that I attach a sentimental value too. But I was good, I parted ways with things that I knew I wouldn't be using anytime soon that just took up space, what's the point of owning something if you're not going to use it? So, I'm starting to like de-cluttering. :) I almost want to ditch 30% of our stuff.
We spent our evening with Nick's family, we had an amazing dinner thanks to Evelyn's Grandma Pam, nothing better than chicken breast, red potatoes, green beans, cooked carrots and a nice desert of ice cream!! YUMMMMMY!! Evelyn will get a tiny taste when she "eats" her milk, because breastmilk has more flavor than formula due to what you eat, that's why babies who are breast fed tend to be less picky that formula fed babies and are more willing to try new things..... boy I sure hope that's true cause I was a very picky eater up until recently!! She enjoyed her visit with Grandpa and Grandma very much (she always does) and she was even kind enough to give Grandma Pam some good burps after HER dinner. :) We played a couple games of "13" and Evelyn was pretty good, well, Nick had to attend to her a little bit, rocking her in her carseat. :) Such a GOOD DADDY!!!
Well, here's what ya'll mostly come here for! :D
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Lovey lovey love lovies!
Evelyn doesn't really like tummy time, but sometimes there's that one moment where she doesn't mind it, but usually that's when she's super sleepy. Sometimes she just likes to chill in her bouncy chair, and be grumpy. She's developing such a little personality, she's fun but serious, playful but grouchy. HAHA. My perfect little gal pal.
Evelyn sure has been a very smiley baby lately.... especially when I'm about to change an extremely stinky diaper!! :D She's so much more active and aware. We've been having lots of fun, she really likes when I sing to her and she'll coo back at me. She's so adorable, I love her so much!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tubby Time and Bubbles!! :D
Evelyn's been having lots and lots of messy diapers lately, one was a blowout and we had to give her a bath, pronto!! :D :D She's just so darn cute, and she was just smiling and smiling and smiling when I was plugging my nose from her stinky blowout.... I didn't find it so funny.
Today, Evelyn was napping in her favorite lounging chair and she was involuntarily blowing bubbles out her mouth!! It was so cute Nick told me to grab the camera, so here are the pictures! :D
Today, Evelyn was napping in her favorite lounging chair and she was involuntarily blowing bubbles out her mouth!! It was so cute Nick told me to grab the camera, so here are the pictures! :D
Monday, April 11, 2011
While Dad's away Evelyn will play!
Mondays and Fridays are Nick's office days. :( So Evelyn and I have the whole place to ourselves!! Party party party!!! :D She was sleepy today, she had a 1 1/2 - 2 hour nap!!! She woke up and we had some "lunch", changed a full diaper and had girl talk. Now little lady is doing "cardio" on her favorite play mat, she was "working out" hardcore and now she's just kind of chilling there, chewing on her fist, pulling on Mr. Moose's legs and trying to get at the teether. She's really learning how to use her hands, she's pulling and grasping at the hanging toys and working them towards her mouth, she even squeezes on the ends of Mr. Moose's feet (they make either a crinkle or bell noise). If they don't get in just right, or she accidently lets go, she gets so frustrated, it's so cute! She's getting so big, and after such a hard work out she was rubbing her eyes looking a little sleepy. Lol. Nope, she's got Mr. Moose's leg again and her whole fist in her mouth. She's so intent! We also have a mirror velcro'd to the play mat bar, she stares at it like "and who might you be?! yeah, you look interesting"
My growing growing girl, so bright, so precious, so observant and sweet. :)
My growing growing girl, so bright, so precious, so observant and sweet. :)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Grandma Betty's 79th Birthday!!
Evelyn was all dressed up with somewhere to go! We celebrated my Grandma Betty's 79th Birthday today, and in honor of the occasion we got Evelyn a new spring outfit!! :) Baby girl is so darn cute!! We had a good time at the party and Evelyn was adored by all (which she loves). My Aunts Debbie and Carla, Uncles Harris and Larry, cousins Tessa and Mitchell met Evelyn for the very first time!! Tessa sure did know how to rock Evelyn and make her happy, they even gave her a bunny for Easter. :D
Right now Evelyn is eating her dress while sitting in her bouncy chair. LOL
So, she's already gotten a little interested in the TV, while she's playing in her bouncy she'll look up at the tv and watch it a little bit, probably all the colors and motion. Uh oh! :( Hopefully we'll be able to get her more interested in toys and what not when she's able to actually interact with them.
Here's some pictures from her and Nick yesterday watching TV, today after Grandma's Birthday and one from a couple days ago.
Right now Evelyn is eating her dress while sitting in her bouncy chair. LOL
So, she's already gotten a little interested in the TV, while she's playing in her bouncy she'll look up at the tv and watch it a little bit, probably all the colors and motion. Uh oh! :( Hopefully we'll be able to get her more interested in toys and what not when she's able to actually interact with them.
Here's some pictures from her and Nick yesterday watching TV, today after Grandma's Birthday and one from a couple days ago.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
2 Months and a couple days
We had Evelyn's 2 month check up on Saturday, the doctor was very pleased with her focus, concentration and eye contact. She was however a little worried about her weight, which is almost 10 lbs and should be about 11-12 lbs. She's kind of a fussy eater lately, which is so disheartening, we have to go in again in a month for a weight check and then her next wellness visit is at 4 months. I'm really hoping our little lady starts gaining some weight, we might have to supplement some formula or add some to the breast milk.
Nick worked 9am to 11pm on Friday and then Saturday he had to work the 11pm - 9am shift, so Evelyn and I spent the night at Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel's. Grandpa Mark was sick so he wasn't too much fun for Evelyn to play with and Grandma Ronda was healthy and fun. She had fun playing on her play mat and Grandma Ronda bounced her in her bouncy chair too!! Uncle Carl held her in the morning and they had talky time, and he even looked through her color book with her too. I forgot my camera so my mom took pics on her camera, but I do have some pictures from a couple days ago!! :) So enjoy. I'll try and be a little better about my posts.
Nick worked 9am to 11pm on Friday and then Saturday he had to work the 11pm - 9am shift, so Evelyn and I spent the night at Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel's. Grandpa Mark was sick so he wasn't too much fun for Evelyn to play with and Grandma Ronda was healthy and fun. She had fun playing on her play mat and Grandma Ronda bounced her in her bouncy chair too!! Uncle Carl held her in the morning and they had talky time, and he even looked through her color book with her too. I forgot my camera so my mom took pics on her camera, but I do have some pictures from a couple days ago!! :) So enjoy. I'll try and be a little better about my posts.
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