Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday up in Big Lake

    So Evelyn has found her new favorite thing to sleep on.... Grandpa Mark!! Or Grandma Ronda... or Uncle Carl. LOL. She sure does LOVE sleeping on someone's tummy, as long as it's comfy.  She is such a little peanut and she is so loved by all those Schinkel's!! So much so that Grandma Ronda even changed a poopy diaper for the first time in about 23 years!! Haha.  We had such a good time with my family, it's always nice to see them, Evelyn will have so many happy memories of Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel.
    She was pretty good the whole time, she had a few fussy moments but all we had to do was stick a soothie in her mouth or give her to Grandpa Mark to sleep on.  She impressed them all with her "lady like" gas... I just thought she was showing her Schinkel side. ;)  She's getting bigger every time we go up there, she's still in newborn clothing and diapers but I don't think for too long!! Which I don't mind because I think she'll be sturdier with a little meat on her... newborns have always been an issue for me but now that I have my own it's not such a big deal but the older she gets the less I worry. :D Here are some pictures, I know ya'll like them.

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