Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Little Sleeping Beauty

   We were at Nick's parents house last night celebrating his father John's Birthday and we had a Ms. Fussypants on our hands, she was up all day yesterday being fussy for mama... but you know what the good result to that was a nice night of sleep!! :D Nick was VERY appreciative, I appreciated it too, but it didn't change the fact that I had to wake up at the same times for the most part, so no extra sleep for me.  I sure could use that extra sleep because I'm starting to feel a little worn out and a little under the weather, hopefully I'll be able to get a good nights rest tonight.
    Ms. Fussypants is napping right now and snoring... just like her daddy! :D She looks so so cute!! She likes snoozing in her bouncy chair, and every now and again she gives me a little sleepy smile, and she'll peek through one eye, take a peep at me and go back to bed.  Or she'll suddenly jump in her sleep and throw her hands into the air (when she does that I say "touchdown!" hehe) it's even cuter when she kicks her legs and pumps her fists, lol, she just fidgeted and it looked like she was raising her hand to answer a question.  I think that fidget would appeal to the Sulack Grandparents! :D

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