Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sorry It's Been Awhile

   Sorry for the gap in posts, Evelyn has been a handful lately, but I figured I better get my butt in gear.  :)  Evelyn has taken to crawling up and down the stairs about a thousand times a day, which is giving my legs a nice work out.  She's been sleeping kinda poorly so I'm thinking she might be getting some more teeth to go along with the 6 she already has! :)  I can't wait til they are all up!
   Today I made Evelyn a little piece of wall art, we went to Joann Fabrics and got a plain canvass board and some fabric and buttons, I stretched the fabric over the canvass and hot glued on some buttons. :)  It was really fun but it took like 3 hours to do.
   Last week Evelyn and I went up to my folks house because Nick had to work a weekend shift, it was a great time.  Evelyn was really starting to get the hang of the walker, mostly backwards, but she did go forwards a little bit.
   Evelyn has started jabbering, jibberish really, but ma-ma, da-da, mom, mommy are a reoccurring theme. :)  She says "Yeah" a lot too, ba ba, ja ja, na na ma ma. Lol.

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