Monday, September 26, 2011

Evelyn Evelyn

    Evelyn is starting to get up on her hands and feet now, like she's doing push ups, and doing lots and lots of army crawling!!  She is just getting bigger and bigger!!!  She's starting to get up on her knees now too, but when she kinda crawls she goes backwards!! LOL.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food food food, I love food!

    As of late, we've been introducing much more "interesting" foods into Evelyn's expanding food repertoire.  We've now got the graduate puffs, cheerios, bread, shredded cheese, cottage cheese and a little bit of potatoes.  Although her absolute favorite thing to eat is Oatmeal, which I pour half a jar of baby food into as well. :)  Haha, gotta sneak in some extra calories for my little squirt.
    She spends a lot of time in her highchair now, as it's so nice to just plop her in it and get my kitchen duties done... as much as I can, the little Miss demands my constant attention and entertainment. ;)  Such a girl. :)  Anywho, here is one of the more recent pictures of Evelyn (excuse the poor quality, I need a new phone.... hint hint Nick).