Sunday, May 15, 2011


    Lately Evelyn has taken a fancy to her feet... yes her feet!  She likes to slide down in her bouncy chair so she can curl her legs up and try and get at her feet.  LOL, it's pretty darn cute if I say so myself!  She also likes to bring them together and watch them interact with each other..... so exciting!  :D  She is fascinated by them, they keep her entertained, it's hilarious.  She's also getting really good at rolling over from her stomach to her back, and today she rolled over from her back to her stomach.  This past weekend she's also gotten so so so SO much better at laying on her stomach and using her arms to push herself up to a 45-90 degree angle and holding it there and looking around!!  So proud of my little angel!!  The peanut is gonna be a mover and a shaker when she gets going!!  Also, she's become pretty fond of chowing down on peoples fingers, her gums are really lumpy and she likes to chomp chomp CHOMP!!  We're gonna see some teeth in the next couple months!!

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