Friday, May 6, 2011

3 Months Old

    Sorry it's been a little while since I've written, just wanted to say a quick Happy Birthday Mom!! :)
    This last Sunday we went and had lunch with my parents, my Grandma Betty and my Aunt Linda, it was nice to sit and visit with them. :)  Evelyn has been doing so well with tummy time lately, and she's been more active and almost rolling over, her arm just gets in the way cuz she doesn't tuck it in.  She'll get there, and soon I'm sure.  Yesterday she had her first REAL laugh, before she would kind of laugh/coo, but this was like a real laugh!!!  It was absolutely adorable!!!!  Made me so happy!!  Now that Nick is back to work his sister Carla has agreed to watch her a couple times a week, such a big help!!!  Now that Evelyn is 3 months her personality has just been growing and growing!!  Last night I was a little :( because she like woke up every hour!!!  Needless to say, Nick and I are extremely exhausted today, especially since I had to work the early shift.  But Nick is going to let me sleep in tonight. :) YAY.  I have lot's of pictures backed up so I'm just going to put them all on here.

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