Tuesday, January 6, 2015


It sure has gone by fast, this time. :) I can't believe Evelyn is going to be 4 years old in less than 1 month!!!! She's growing up so fast and I'm so proud to be her mother! Evelyn is smart, caring, funny and just the most polite child ever! Today as I write this she is at home with Daddy, poor kiddo has had a fever and a horrible cough the last couple days. We've got her down to 99 but I was pretty worried when she was up to 103.1 two days ago!! Needless to say, she consumed lots of popsicles and Gatorade while Mommy held cold wash clothes to her head for a couple hours.

Today I have an appointment with a doctor, I'm anticipating being diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) also known as "Suicide Disease", it's a neuropathic disorder characterized by episodes of intense pain in the face, originating from the trigeminal nerve. It has been described as among the most painful conditions known to humankind.  This disease usually manifests itself after the age of 50, but lucky me gets it at 27.

Anyways, here are some pictures. Enjoy.