Monday, February 4, 2013

Birthday Girl!!!

This past weekend we celebrated Evelyn's 2nd Birthday, she did so well!!  Of course she loved the presents, playing"Fishy Fishy This Is Evelyn!", and running around with a cake & ice cream high all weekend, but she also loved hanging out with all of her "guys"!!

She grew even more attached to Uncle Carl up at Grandpa and Grandma Schinkel's, he's her new best buddy I think!  She sat with Grandpa Mark a lot and he helped her (or hindered) with her presents.  Grandma Ronda played with Evelyn and helped her put money in her money jar.  We also got to see Great Aunt Linda and Great Uncle Bill, Marlette and Duane (my, Lisa's, God Parents), Kathy (Marlette's sister and my dad's cousins).  We sure appreciate and love all the presents Evelyn got so Thank You So Very Very Much!!  She's playing with most of them as we speak and the ones that she'll wear, well, I'm super excited about those!! On the eating front:  Evelyn ate a lot of mommy and daddy's pizza too, (it's always better off of someone else's plate right??) surprisingly since Uncle Carl and Grandpa Mark are always spoiling her appetite with their competition of "Evelyn, I've got a cracker for you!"  "No, Evelyn IIII've got a cracker for you".

At the Sulack Birthday party she ran around with her cousin Celia, chatted up her Auntie's and Uncles, and got lovey dovey with Grandpa John and Grandma Pam.  Celia pulled the Birthday girl around on her favorite blanket going "Wheeeee!  Wheeee!".  We also got to enjoy the company of Carl, Joe and the kids, Grandpa and Grandma, and Auntie Karin and Uncle Andrew!  At this moment, as we speak, Evelyn is trying to feed me "food" from her "crockpot" that Karin and Andrew gave her, and using her doctor tools that we got her.  Hahaha, she's so cute!  Thank you all for the presents, and for putting up with the Disney Princess theme, (I know Hunter was having a hard time with that but he ended up not minding eating his cupcake off it).  Evelyn had a blast at the party and playing Fishy Fishy, she didn't want to relinquish her turn to anyone, so thank you to some who let her Fishy Fishy for you! :)