Friday, December 16, 2011

Evelyn's a mover and a shaker!

    Evelyn has really been developing that personality, and that personality is CURIOUS!  She likes to get into everything and put things in their incorrect places.  She likes to take her toys and put them all on the table and then take them all off, she likes to put all her toys in a box and then take them all off, she likes to pull herself up on everything too!!  She's climbed all the way up the stairs a couple times, and down zero. Lol.  She's just getting so big and we're about to celebrate her first Christmas (which we're probably way more excited about then she is) and then shortly after Christmas is little Miss Evelyn's first Birthday!!!  I'm excited to watch her eat that cake!! :)  Here are some pictures since I've been pretty neglectful this past month.  Sorry! :)