Thursday, July 26, 2012


Last week my girlfriend Cassie Jo came down with her two beautiful children Victoria (3) and Vincent (20/21 Months), we had such a great time, the kids just took up like old pals.  Evelyn would bring Vin food and drink and comb through his hair with her fingers and Vin would escort Evelyn around with his hand on the small of her back... and then later started tackling her to the ground and hugging her. Lol.  They sat on the couch together cuddled in blankies watching Tangled, it was BEYOND adorable!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hello All!!  It's been a little while since I've posted anything, Evelyn has really been a handful lately!! :)  She is now starting to learn how to use the potty, we've had a handful of successes!!  Also, her vocabulary is starting to grow!!  Her best words are "Mama" "Daddy" "Baby" "Nigh Nigh" "Juice" and some other ones that I know what she's saying but they're not exactly clear.  So here ya are, some pictures: